Children's home „Mostar“ (3)
Care about health
While staying in our institution, full attention is paid to protection of the psychophysical health of the beneficiaries: to adequate nutrition, procurement of adequate clothes and footwear, to maintenance of personal hygiene and maintenance of the hygiene of the space, to psychoeducation about the harmfulness of the addictive substances and sexually responsible behaviour, as well as diverse widespread vices in the society. Beneficiaries are taken regularly to the physicians and dentists with an intention to perform medical examinations, and a treatment of a psychiatrist, psychologist if needed. Of course, it includes all the other forms of professional assistance as well. Additionally, the beneficiaries are encouraged to take part in sport activities both in the home and outside if it, thus contributing to the health of beneficiaries.
Organization of free time
By assessing individual abilities, interests, preferences and capacities, every beneficiary is encouraged, guided to spend his/her free time meaningfully and responsibly so that those beneficiaries join the existing free activities within the home and outside of it – through sport, creative sections, drama section, information technology (IT) workshops, skill workshops. Beneficiaries are guaranteed summer holidays and winter holidays, one-day and multiple-day excursions outside of the city, visits to their respective families, celebrations of birthdays within certain groups or individually, as well as all the other events provided for by the Annual plan and the program of the institution. The home are regularly visited by the teachers of the schools which our beneficiaries attend, hands-on classes teachers, prospective employers for the ones who have finished their education …
Forming of work habits
The staff works continually on development and maintenance of a correct and responsible relationship toward beneficiaries among themselves, beneficiaries toward other persons and the world around beneficiaries. The development of work habits is encouraged by setting individual and group tasks every day, by monitoring and direction of their execution, and application of praises and awards for attained positive changes, taking into consideration the capacities and the needs of the beneficiaries in the process. As well, one stimulates and controls the practice of proper keeping the bodies of beneficiaries and working areas clean in order to prevent illnesses and diseases and to secure standard psychophysical development. Beneficiaries get involved in all the tasks of improving their living space.
Upbringing and education
Upon arrival into the home, the beneficiary integrates into the educational process (nursery school, regular primary or secondary education). On that occasion his time for study is being organized for him/her, an adequate space for learning is found, and adequate learning methods are then employed for the beneficiary. If necessary, additional tuition is organized, as well as any additional form of help when beneficiary learns the teaching material or life skills.
Is to accomodate children without parents, children who are neglected by their parents or children of parents who abuse their parental duties, children and junior persons of age when it is in their interest because of other reasons, as well as to accomodate children whose parents are unable to take care about a child temporarily because of a disease, unsolved housing problems or other adversities.
Activity of the home is to take care of the children outside their respective families, as well as to provide welfare for young persons which covers temporary accomodation and whole-day stay.
Home provides fullfilment of the living needs to children and junior person of age round the clock. It provides services of: dwelling, nourishment, clothes, maintaining personal hygiene and medical attention, care about health, keeping, upbringing and monitoring of fulfillment of the obligations of beneficiaries (for school children it is help in learning and taking care of school activities and extra-curricular activities and everything else which may be covered under care), as well as organization of spending time in free activities and playing with children within the free time of beneficiaries, providing the appropriate forms of professional assistance as well as to enable the abovementioned beneficiaries of the medical attention to lead an independent life outside of the institution.
Admittance to the home is allowed in accordance to:
-In accordance to the legal grounds for treatment, the admittance of children will be allowed in accordance with decision of Centre for social work.
-Welfare Care Act
-In accordance with Family Act
Our task
Our task is to take care about such children and young persons and to help them catch up on what they have missed, both from educational and pedagogical, as well as emotional standpoint, namely, that those beneficiaries develop conscience about their own value, as well as the place in society that they are rightfully entitled to. The aim is to (re)socialize, namely, that they receive assistance to such a level that they are able to integrate successfully in life in more immediate and broader social community after they leave the home.
The aim of stay in our institution is that a child finds a good way for itself in a secure environment together with trainers.
Activity – general part:
Children aged 3 to 18 needing constant care and assistance in fullfilling their living needs may find accomodation and protection in our home if they are unable to meet those needs in their own family or if they are unable to meet those needs in any other.way. Exceptionally, the children may remain in the home even after they are 18 with consent of the competent centre for social work (with an intention to complete their secondary education or to finish their studies by the time they are 25).
The children's home is an institution in the field of social welfare, of a stationary type, which combines pedagogically-educational, health-care - medical and socially-protective functions. By combining the abovementioned functions we provide the satisfactory conditions for the normal development of children.
Content of the activities:
• medical attention and the professional medical assistance
• services of the professional social and consulting work
• professional assistance in permanent care
• organized pedagogically-educational work by the time when beneficiaries go to school
• professional assistance while (children are) discharging (their) school obligations
• utilization of free time with all age groups in an organized way
• public activity
Work in the Home
Work in the Home takes place 365 days a year for 24 hours in three shifts. The children are separated in three groups: (group names are: Kairo 1, Kairo 2, Kairo 3), in accordance with their age and other predispositions. The children have been accomodated in bungalows furnished for such a type of accomodation. The bungalows are joined with each other. Groups of children are under permanent supervision of the trainers and they consist of pre-school and school age children. The work of the trainers in these groups has been conceived on the simulation of a real family, namely, a male-female couple of trainers which takes night-and-day care of the children. Presently in the home we look after 31 child of various ages, ranging from 6 to 18.