Nikolina, sretno!

Dan koji odavno čekaš konačno je stigao. Sad si odrasla, samostalna djevojka. Ti znaš šta želiš i kako to da izvedeš. Znaš da će biti mnogo prepreka, baš kao nekad, ali ti nikad ne odustaješ. Vrijedna si i hrabra. Sigurnim korakom gaziš naprijed.

U životu koji je pred tobom, želimo ti mnogo sreće, znanja i uspjeha.



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Project supported by

Creation of the web site The Children's Home "Mostar" is supported through the project "Transformation of institutions for the protection of children and prevention of family separation", funded by the European Union and implemented by UNICEF. Opinions expressed on these pages are the author's opinions and do not reflect the official views of EU and the UNICEF BiH.

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